Iyalago Food Assurance Consultants (IFAC)

Case Study:



Seawork Fish Processor's Journey to Implementing IFS Food Certification with IFAC

1. Background




Seawork Fish Processors is a leading fish processing company known for its high-quality seafood products. With a growing demand for their products both locally and internationally, the company recognised the need to enhance their food safety standards to meet customer requirements and remain competitive in the market. In response to customer demands and industry trends, Seawork decided to pursue IFS Food Certification, a GFSI-benchmarked and globally recognized standard for food safety and quality management systems.



2. Problem Definition




The primary challenge faced by Seawork was to implement the IFS Food Certification system efficiently and effectively within their fish processing facility. This involved understanding the requirements of the certification, upgrading existing processes, acquiring necessary knowledge and skills, and streamlining operations to meet the rigorous standards set forth by IFS Food certification scheme.



3. Solutions Implemented




Seawork embarked on a comprehensive journey to address the challenges posed by implementing the IFS Food Certification system. The solutions implemented included:



3.1 System Optimization:


Seawork with guidance of IFAC conducted a thorough assessment of their existing processes and identified areas that needed improvement to align with IFS Food standards. This involved updating facilities, equipment, implementing new protocols, and revising existing procedures to enhance food safety and quality.


3.2 Knowledge Acquisition:


To ensure compliance with IFS Food requirements, Seawork invested in training and development programs for their employees. This included educating staff on food safety protocols, hygiene practices, and quality management principles.


3.3 Streamlining Processes:


Seawork streamlined their operations to optimise efficiency and effectiveness in meeting IFS Food standards. This involved re-organising workflows, implementing standardised procedures, and adopting technology solutions to automate tasks and minimise errors.



4. IFAC's Role





Seawork enlisted the expertise of Iyalago Food Assurance Consultants (IFAC) to guide them through the process of implementing the IFS Food documentation system. IFAC played a crucial role in planning and collaborating on the project, offering expert knowledge and support at every stage. Their assistance included:



4.1 Document Review:


IFAC conducted a comprehensive review of Seawork's existing documentation and processes to identify gaps and areas for improvement in relation to IFS Food and r regulatory requirements.



4.2 Compilation Assistance:


IFAC conducted a comprehensive review of Seawork's existing documentation and processes to identify gaps and areas for improvement in relation to IFS Food and r regulatory requirements.



4.3 Training Plan Creation:


IFAC worked closely with Seawork to develop a customised training plan for their employees. This plan included both classroom-style training sessions and on-the-job coaching to ensure that staff were adequately prepared to implement and maintain the IFS Food Certification system.



4.4 Effective Internal Audit program:


IFAC contributed to effectively training a competent internal audit team responsible for verifying the IFS Food system.

4. Results



Through the collaborative efforts of Seawork and IFAC, the company successfully achieved IFS Food Certification for their fish processing facility. The implementation of the certification system not only enhanced food safety and quality standards but also improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Seawork's commitment to excellence in food safety and quality management has positioned them as a trusted provider of seafood products in the global market.

Here is feedback from the Seawork Fish Processors’ team on the value added to their IFS Food system and experience in IFAC training courses:

Mariette van Zyl

Quality Assurance Manager




The fact that the people [IFAC] assisting with consultation or presenting of the training courses have vast experience in the fishing industry. I have recommended [IFAC] to others.



Marchalino Ambrosini

Production Manager




In the Food defense  and Food fraud training course, I learned the importance of making sure your product is protected and how to do a risk and vulnerability study.



Tjaard De Smit

Technical Manager



As part of the HACCP team, I [value] and learned the importance of HACCP to export our final product.




Josia Halwoodi

Internal Auditor



I found the training quite informative and relevant to our operations. I learnt a lot from the training. My great take away from the training was the turtle diagram under the audit execution [process approach]. The diagram is easy to follow, and it is such a good tool for internal auditors.

5. Conclusion




In conclusion, Seawork's journey to implement the IFS Food Certification system with the assistance of IFAC demonstrates the importance of proactive measures in meeting customer requirements and industry standards. Through careful planning, optimisation, and expert guidance, Seawork with the help of IFAC was able to achieve their goal of enhancing food safety and quality while maintaining competitiveness in the market.






By Ruth Martinez Lago

CEO, Iyalago Food Assurance Consultants








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